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  • Writer's pictureEryfili

Dramaturgical Practice & Making Public

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

Tuesday 12th of May

Inspired by Anushka Nair's work : Sleep Ceases

A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.


Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can be either monozygotic ('identical'), meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic ('non-identical' or 'fraternal'), meaning that each twin develops from a separate egg and each egg is fertilized by its own sperm cell.


The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery.


Absence is seen to be derived from a state of presence, as it is seen as the denial of presence.

(The Theory of Absence: Subjectivity Signification and Desire - Patrick Fuery (1995). )

1) The Red Mountains of Washington County, Utah is a mostly circular 7 miles (11 km) long mountain range.

2) Red Mountains is a Norwegianstoner rock band. They have released two full-length albums, Down With The Sun (2015) and Slow Wander (2017).


White eye is

1)When an ejaculation of sperm reaches ones eyecovering ones eye in thick white jizz.

2) When a man will jizz on a woman's eyelid(s) when they are closed. Wait a while until it hardens and then when she tries to open her eyes she will find it very hard as it is closed to glued shut.

3) The act of ejaculating on someone's eye during their sleep and pasting it shut for when they wake. Similar to Pink Eye... But worse!

(Urban Dictionary)


Wednesday 13th of May

Yesterday Emily Welther worked on a quick viewing I did of my work ‘me’. My work has been purely visual lately, and I was in fact planning to go from the visual to physical and see what it has to offer. Emily not only did that, but she focused on the movement of transitioning of the photographs as well. She slowed down the rhythm and vitalized the still photos. It was interesting to watch, because I would have taken the visual work and used it as an impulse for something physical. But to see how it can also be lived, moved and actualized, was an approach I had not thought of.

Watching Emily activating my work, but also working myself on Anushka Nair’s process had highlighted for me the different perspectives and understandings, how different each mind works, imagines and translates. Working on Anushka’s project, I also discovered aspects of my research, probably due to how our researches overlap each other. It was in fact interesting to step on some other’s shoes for a while and use your perspective through some other’s lenses. I also understood that a work can be brought forwards or internally being worked, through various modes and ways that offer different aspects.

I think that the dramaturgy of the work I did, based on Anushka’s blog, unraveled itself as it was becoming. As I was taking the photographs, the theme was being created, the platform decided and the style as well. I followed some elements of the original work, such as the alignment, the style of photograph, the platform. However, I believe that the aesthetic might have changed due to the antithesis (yet metaphor based) quality of the texts. I notice now, how different I treated the order and its general presentation, in contrast to the black and white photos which were placed thoroughly and with great consideration. In the case of Anushka, I worked with quick decisions, instincts and time management. In the black and white photos, I worked with care, symbolism, drafts and elongated process.


Monday 18th of May

Activity: 11:48-14:50 and 19:45-21:20 and 25:33- 30:30

Fragments Of A Portrait - Francis Bacon

Interview by Barbara Lehtna


Barbara: hello miss dragon, can you describe the experiment you have planned?

Eryfili: I have started collecting the hair that fall out of my head, I will do this for a month and then I will use these hair maybe on tops of some photographs, in a form of collage that can be photographed again

B: Is there a certain hypothesis that you are trying to prove in this experiment?

E: Seeing the hair as the abject, transforming from beautiful to something disgusting. An archive of something that happens in the body. I want to re - introduce them to the skin, see how they can affect the formation of the body

B: I understand it is a transgressive piece of an experiment. Have you considered the form and audience participation?

E: I haven't yet decided what kind of photographs I will use (my skin, my ancestors etc.) I don't think that it will be participatory.

B: Is there a notion of risk within the experiment? Could you locate that?

E: The risk is that I want to follow the steps of the design and then try and do them without first testing them. I want to keep the surprise.

B: what are the parts that can be considered failure?

E: If my initial design couldn't be completed, but then I wouldn't discard it. I want to use the failure. What does that say again?

B: Is the experiment about you succeeding and failing in making the experiment?

E: No, the purpose is to use the hair and re activate them but failure is welcomed.


Thursday 21st of May

performative experiment

redesign performative experiment

but then again. I can try another version.

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